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4 Exercises for Strong Shoulders
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

4 Exercises for Strong Shoulders

In today's post CDSF coach Mike Sirani goes over four shoulder exercises that will help build your upper back and keep your shoulders healthy. Incorporating plenty of rowing variations and other exercises that target the upper back is a great way to:

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4 Yoga Push-Up Variations
Michael Sirani Michael Sirani

4 Yoga Push-Up Variations

In today’s post CDSF coaches Dan Jones and Mike Sirani go over four yoga push-up variations that will help you improve your overhead shoulder mobility and stability. The yoga push-up is a great exercise to train scapular upward rotation and keep shoulders healthy in overhead athletes and lifters but can be difficult to progress when they become too easy. 

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In-Season Baseball Training Band External Rotation
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

In-Season Baseball Training Band External Rotation

The band external rotation is one of the most commonly performed exercises by baseball players on the field and in the gym. It is also one of the most common incorrectly performed exercises.

In the video above I cover two frequently seen mistakes with this exercise and how to correct them in order to make the exercise much more effective.

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Modifying Traditional Barbell Lifts for Overhead Athletes
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

Modifying Traditional Barbell Lifts for Overhead Athletes

No one has ever gotten weaker from bench pressing, barbell overhead pressing, or back squatting. But many have been injured and have experienced setbacks from incorrectly performing or programming these lifts. When training with these exercises, an injury is most likely to occur for at least one of these four reasons:

  • Incorrect Technique
  • Poor Mobility
  • Too Much Volume in the Gym (Too many sets & reps)
  • Too Much Volume from Activities Outside of the Gym

The goal of this article is to educate you on why the overhead athlete is more susceptible to encounter injury from bench pressing, barbell overhead pressing, and back squatting. Once you understand the reasoning for avoiding these exercises, we’ll cover three exercises you should be performing instead that’ll allow you train similar muscles, while keeping your joints in safer positions.

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