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The Truth About Sitting
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

The Truth About Sitting

Sitting is inevitable; most of us do it at work, then we sit on the car ride home, and then do it again while watching TV at the end of the day. When your day is made up of mostly sitting and you also lack movement and exercise in your daily routine you’ll notice that your body feels tired, lethargic, and tight.

In this post you will learn: what it is about sitting that can be problematic, how to alleviate pain that can be associated with prolonged sitting, and long term solutions to combat sitting related problems.

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What Should You Do If Your Hip Pinches When You Squat?
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

What Should You Do If Your Hip Pinches When You Squat?

If you’ve ever felt a “pinch” in your hip in the bottom of your squat, or have worked with a client who complains of this symptom, this article will help educate you on why this may be happening and teach you what you can do to keep your hips healthy and ultimately avoid this painful pinching.

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How to Warm-Up Properly
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

How to Warm-Up Properly

A well-thought-out and well-executed warm-up is an important component of an exercise program that is often neglected without much deliberation. We’ve all been there before, pressed for time and wanting to get in a great workout. It’s easy to walk past the foam rollers, pretend stretching doesn’t exist, and step into the squat rack, grab the dumbbells, or press the power button on the treadmill.  We usually do this for one of three reasons:

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5 Tips for Deadlifting Beginners
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

5 Tips for Deadlifting Beginners

You’ve been training for just about a year now. You’ve read every muscle magazine and body building article. On your quest for fitness and physique, you find throughout each article you read or page you turn, there seems to be one exercise you can’t escape: the deadlift.

The deadlift seems to find its way into everything you’ve been reading. You’ve looked at the pictures and watched the videos, and you’re finally feeling confident to add deadlifting into your lower body training. When you get to the gym, you load a plate on each side, visualize the picture you saw earlier on the Internet, and go to work.

Everything was great; the lift was challenging, and you were sweating and feeling good. Then, the next morning comes and you’re heartbroken. Instead of sore hamstrings, glutes, and quads, your back is stiff and sore. A few days pass and you’re finally getting over your lower back soreness, but now you’re questioning if deadlifts are good for you or if you’re better off keeping them out of your program.

When done correctly deadlifting is one of the best exercises for building

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