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The Truth About Sitting
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

The Truth About Sitting

Sitting is inevitable; most of us do it at work, then we sit on the car ride home, and then do it again while watching TV at the end of the day. When your day is made up of mostly sitting and you also lack movement and exercise in your daily routine you’ll notice that your body feels tired, lethargic, and tight.

In this post you will learn: what it is about sitting that can be problematic, how to alleviate pain that can be associated with prolonged sitting, and long term solutions to combat sitting related problems.

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How to Stand Out During an Internship in the Fitness Industry
Michael Sirani Michael Sirani

How to Stand Out During an Internship in the Fitness Industry

If you’re a college student with aspirations to make it in the fitness industry, or an exercise enthusiast who is passionate about switching fields and entering the strength and conditioning world, this article is essential for your future success.

If you think you’ll be able to thrive by taking a weekend course or by knowing twelve different variations of bicep curls, you’re wrong — even though I see nothing wrong with hitting your biceps twelve different ways.

You need to first understand that the fitness industry can be weird, because unlike

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What's Really Important for Achieving Your Fitness Goals
Mindset, Training Michael Sirani Mindset, Training Michael Sirani

What's Really Important for Achieving Your Fitness Goals

With the New Year often comes self-reflection. What did I do last year? What did I accomplish? And what do I want to do now? After this reflection and pondering the New Year, many will decide that this is going to be the year to get in shape.

Then you pause and think to yourself: I started a workout plan last year and then stopped, and I was so dialed in to my diet for a month and then fell off.

These things are very common. Life gets crazy. You have work, family, friends, a social life, school, and maybe even a partner and kids. Instead of going back to the same old routine you struggled to maintain last year, consider reflecting on why you struggled to reach your goals last year and discover what you need to change in order to set yourself up for a healthy and consistent 2017.

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Simple Single-Leg Training Tips
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

Simple Single-Leg Training Tips

At one point or another, many of us have incorporated single-leg training into our programs. Single-leg training is a great way to develop lower body strength, stability, hypertrophy, and also burn a few extra calories, because each set is going to take you twice as long to complete when compared to bilateral lifts. However, single-leg work is often neglected because it can be monotonous and may put you in positions where you feel awkward and unbalanced.

But, as an athlete—or anyone who gets off of the couch during the day—it’s important to be able to accept and deliver force on one leg. Single-leg exercises can leave you trying to find balance and prioritizing stability over actually training your lower body muscles. Oftentimes, it takes slight

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