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4 Advanced Core Exercises
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

4 Advanced Core Exercises

In today’s post CDSF coach Mike Sirani goes over four advanced core exercises that will help improve your core stability, keep your lower back healthy, and improve your performance. Once you master basic core exercises like deadbugs and planks it’s important to progress those exercises to continue to increase your core strength and train your spine to resist external forces.

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4 Squat Variations You Should Be Using If You Lack Mobility
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

4 Squat Variations You Should Be Using If You Lack Mobility

The ability to squat is one of the most basic human movements. Unfortunately as we age, experience injury, and spend long periods of time sitting at desks and in the car our body loses the valuable mobility that it once had. Loss of mobility in our hips, spine, shoulders, or ankles can make the back squat a difficult and awkward feeling exercise to perform. And despite all of these common mobility restrictions the back squat is one of the most frequently performed exercises in the gym.

Because a mobility restriction makes back squatting a higher risk exercise to perform does this mean that squatting is something you should be avoiding when in the gym? Not necessarily. Like most other exercises you can always make modifications in order to make it safer and more effective for you.

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The Truth About Sitting
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

The Truth About Sitting

Sitting is inevitable; most of us do it at work, then we sit on the car ride home, and then do it again while watching TV at the end of the day. When your day is made up of mostly sitting and you also lack movement and exercise in your daily routine you’ll notice that your body feels tired, lethargic, and tight.

In this post you will learn: what it is about sitting that can be problematic, how to alleviate pain that can be associated with prolonged sitting, and long term solutions to combat sitting related problems.

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