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How to Perform the Split-Stance RDL
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

How to Perform the Split-Stance RDL

The Split-Stance Trap Bar RDL is a great lower body posterior chain exercise that we use at CDSF because:

It loads the glutes and hamstrings with less spinal loading than bilateral deadlifts.

It’s a good progression for working towards the 1-Leg RDL.

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Assessing Shoulder Flexion in Overhead Athletes
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

Assessing Shoulder Flexion in Overhead Athletes

Overhead athletes often struggle moving their arms overhead with clean movement of the shoulder blades and shoulder joint.

This can be due to one’s natural posture or from overactive muscles that are used when throwing._

In today’s video series we partner with Pat Suarez from Suarez Sports and Orthopedic Physical Therapy to discuss assessing and improving shoulder flexion in overhead athletes by learning how to check if you have an adequate amount of shoulder flexion and going over three mobility drills to lengthen your lats, trains your abs, and improve shoulder blade motion. 

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Maximize Your Off-Season Baseball Training (eBook Download)
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

Maximize Your Off-Season Baseball Training (eBook Download)

As a baseball athlete your strength and conditioning program needs to be structured differently from other field sports like football, basketball, and soccer. This is because of the overhead and rotational demands baseball poses for your body. In our free ebook below we’ll go over the four key components you need to address in your baseball off-season strength and conditioning program to maximize your development during the fall and winter months, as well as assessments you can do to ensure your body is prepared to handle the demands of throwing throughout the season.

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4 Yoga Push-Up Variations
Michael Sirani Michael Sirani

4 Yoga Push-Up Variations

In today’s post CDSF coaches Dan Jones and Mike Sirani go over four yoga push-up variations that will help you improve your overhead shoulder mobility and stability. The yoga push-up is a great exercise to train scapular upward rotation and keep shoulders healthy in overhead athletes and lifters but can be difficult to progress when they become too easy. 

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