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What is Capital District Sport and Fitness?
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

What is Capital District Sport and Fitness?

It’s official. I’m moving back to Upstate New York and will be opening Capital District Sport and Fitness this spring. Creating CDSF has been many years in the works and is something I’ve envisioned since I first stepped into the weight room as a skinny high school freshman back in 2004. I truly believe the gym is one of the most powerful environments there is to promote change. What I used to think of as a place that exists solely to improve your aesthetics and strength now means much more to me.

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3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Push Past Plateaus
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Push Past Plateaus

Even though your reasons for waking up early, working out, and eating well are different than mine—and different than the person training next to you—doesn’t mean we all don’t feel the same things when going through our fitness journeys.

Excitement when you hit a big lift.

Happiness when you reach your goal.

Fear when you start something new.

And frustration when your progress stalls.

When your progress stalls or you hit a “plateau,” it’s too common to jump ship and abandon your current program. Maybe you haven’t put weight on your deadlift in the past month or you haven’t lost weight during the past couple of weeks. With this article, I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath and ask yourself three important questions before you re-route your fitness journey. Hopefully it will ease your mind, give you a plan, and help you keep moving forward.

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4 Easy Steps For Improving Thoracic Rotation
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

4 Easy Steps For Improving Thoracic Rotation

Most of us live in a world where our daily routines involve hours spent in front of a screen, in a car, or on a couch. As the hours you spend sitting accumulate, it’s likely the mobility of your hips, spine, and shoulders will begin to decrease. However, most of us may not see the negative effects of this decreased range of motion until we ask our body to perform an activity that challenges these ranges.

For example, let’s say you used to be a great baseball player in high school and golfed every summer with your buddies. Flash forward years from then and now all of the time you’ve spent at your desk has caused your shoulders to get tight and you no longer have the range of motion you once had. Your golf swing just doesn’t feel right, and throwing a round of batting practice leaves your shoulder feeling sore for days.

In this article we’ll cover four simple steps for how you can improve your thoracic mobility, which will allow your shoulders to feel looser, neck to feel better, and rotational activities like golf, baseball, and tennis feel easier.

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The Truth About Sitting
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

The Truth About Sitting

Sitting is inevitable; most of us do it at work, then we sit on the car ride home, and then do it again while watching TV at the end of the day. When your day is made up of mostly sitting and you also lack movement and exercise in your daily routine you’ll notice that your body feels tired, lethargic, and tight.

In this post you will learn: what it is about sitting that can be problematic, how to alleviate pain that can be associated with prolonged sitting, and long term solutions to combat sitting related problems.

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