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4 Easy Steps For Improving Thoracic Rotation
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

4 Easy Steps For Improving Thoracic Rotation

Most of us live in a world where our daily routines involve hours spent in front of a screen, in a car, or on a couch. As the hours you spend sitting accumulate, it’s likely the mobility of your hips, spine, and shoulders will begin to decrease. However, most of us may not see the negative effects of this decreased range of motion until we ask our body to perform an activity that challenges these ranges.

For example, let’s say you used to be a great baseball player in high school and golfed every summer with your buddies. Flash forward years from then and now all of the time you’ve spent at your desk has caused your shoulders to get tight and you no longer have the range of motion you once had. Your golf swing just doesn’t feel right, and throwing a round of batting practice leaves your shoulder feeling sore for days.

In this article we’ll cover four simple steps for how you can improve your thoracic mobility, which will allow your shoulders to feel looser, neck to feel better, and rotational activities like golf, baseball, and tennis feel easier.

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Self-Assessments: Standing Shoulder Flexion
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

Self-Assessments: Standing Shoulder Flexion

Learning how to perform self-assessments is a simple way to determine which exercises you’ll get the most benefit from and which exercises may be too risky. The assessment below is an easy way for you to check if your shoulders are ready to handle performing two of the most commonly utilized exercises on a weekly basis: the pull-up and the overhead press.

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How to Safely Incorporate Pull-Ups Into Your Training
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

How to Safely Incorporate Pull-Ups Into Your Training

When asked why pull-ups are a part of your training program, you’ll likely respond with one of four answers:

1. To improve your upper body strength

2. To increase the size and improve the appearance of your upper back

3. You were told to do them

4. They’re your favorite activity

The pull-up is a staple in almost everyone’s strength and conditioning program, and rightfully so; pull-ups are one of the best ways to train your lats. Your lats are very strong and powerful extenders, adductors, and internal rotators of your shoulder. 

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