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3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Push Past Plateaus
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself to Push Past Plateaus

Even though your reasons for waking up early, working out, and eating well are different than mine—and different than the person training next to you—doesn’t mean we all don’t feel the same things when going through our fitness journeys.

Excitement when you hit a big lift.

Happiness when you reach your goal.

Fear when you start something new.

And frustration when your progress stalls.

When your progress stalls or you hit a “plateau,” it’s too common to jump ship and abandon your current program. Maybe you haven’t put weight on your deadlift in the past month or you haven’t lost weight during the past couple of weeks. With this article, I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath and ask yourself three important questions before you re-route your fitness journey. Hopefully it will ease your mind, give you a plan, and help you keep moving forward.

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What's Really Important for Achieving Your Fitness Goals
Mindset, Training Michael Sirani Mindset, Training Michael Sirani

What's Really Important for Achieving Your Fitness Goals

With the New Year often comes self-reflection. What did I do last year? What did I accomplish? And what do I want to do now? After this reflection and pondering the New Year, many will decide that this is going to be the year to get in shape.

Then you pause and think to yourself: I started a workout plan last year and then stopped, and I was so dialed in to my diet for a month and then fell off.

These things are very common. Life gets crazy. You have work, family, friends, a social life, school, and maybe even a partner and kids. Instead of going back to the same old routine you struggled to maintain last year, consider reflecting on why you struggled to reach your goals last year and discover what you need to change in order to set yourself up for a healthy and consistent 2017.

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