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3 Ways to Improve Your Box Jump Technique
Training Michael Sirani Training Michael Sirani

3 Ways to Improve Your Box Jump Technique

Box jumps are a great way to train lower body power. Even though there is an extensive number of variations of this exercise it is usually seen early in an exercise program because it can easily be regressed, and teaches good landing mechanics and force absorption. Both of which will keep you healthy while on the field or in the gym.

Unfortunately, many of us are not able to achieve all of the benefits of the box jump because of a lack of proper technique. Often times this is due to three reasons:

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3 Reasons Why You Should Still Use Agility Ladders
Training Jared Rosenberg Training Jared Rosenberg

3 Reasons Why You Should Still Use Agility Ladders

Agility ladders have always been a staple in strength and conditioning programs. Ladder drills are used to help increase foot speed, agility, and coordination thus making one faster in their sport. But, in recent years many strength coaches have put the ladders away and noted that because rate of force development is what correlates most to faster sprint speeds, max strength and power training need to take priority in a program. Even though there is truth to this, it doesn’t mean you should ditch one method all together and claim it has no value.

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Training, Mindset Michael Sirani Training, Mindset Michael Sirani

Why Early Sport Specialization Isn't Special

A kid will go to any length, sacrifice everything, and put in a countless hours trying to be the best.

Wait… A kid would never do that.

Parents will go to any length, sacrifice everything, and put in countless hours trying to get their kid to be the best.

That’s more truthful.

Early sport specialization has climbed to the forefront of youth athletic development. Is specializing at a young age helping a kid develop to their highest potential? Almost always, the answer is no. If it’s detrimental to the development of a young athlete, then why is it becoming more prevalent?

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